HomeFebruary 2020A Very Special Art Class

A Very Special Art Class

0220_OC_KIDDISH_PENNOnce a month on Thursday mornings, the Pre-Schoolers at University Synagogue have a very special art class. Quietly they line up and walk through the corridors towards the adult library where they sit amongst the cognitively impaired, early dementia and Alzheimers daycare participants in the Bridges Program. The very talented, multi-dimensional Lisa Herzog, congregant and art teacher, leads Pre-Schoolers and Bridges participants through hands-on, interactive projects, building memories and creating art pieces together.
These creative projects are inspired by Jewish and secular holidays, reflect families and loved ones, and honor those who care for and about us. Every moment we spend together is precious, every art project we create “yad-b’-yad” (hand-in-hand) a treasure. This program is inspired by the text that reads: “Take care to honor the old man who has forgotten his learning for reasons beyond his control” (Brachot 8b).

Thanks to this program funded by a grant from the Jewish Community Foundation Orange County, both the Pre-Schoolers and US Bridges participants receive quality art instruction, building a legacy of love and relationships that will last long into the future.

SUE PENN is currently the Director of Congregational Learning at University Synagogue where she oversees all education from ages 4-104. Sue has been honored for being an innovative educator and is committed to creative approaches in Jewish Education. Sue currently sits on the Board of the Jewish National Fund of Orange County, and of the Reconstructionist Educators of North America, where she was a previous chair. She is also co-president of the Orange County Jewish Educator Association. Sue also runs educational webinars for the Reconstructionist Movement.

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