The first day of school can be as hectic as it is exciting. Try making a back-to-school checklist to help make sure nothing falls between the cracks.
First Steps
• If you have any questions, you can call the school district with questions about your child’s school.
• Verify what day classes start and what time your child should arrive.
• If they’re not already enrolled from a previous year, make sure your child
is enrolled.
• Fill out all the emergency contact sheets and any other necessary forms.
Check Medical Requirements
• Double check that your child has all required immunizations.
• Schedule a physical exam for your child (if needed) to participate in school activities.
• If they’re due for an exam, get your child’s vision checked before
school starts.
• Notify the school nurse, the principal’s office and your child’s teachers about any health problems or medications.
Stock Up on School Supplies
• Check the school website or call for a list of required supplies.
• Inquire whether or not your child will store supplies at home or at school.
• If they’re getting a locker, buy some locker-sized organizational and decorating materials.
• Buy a backpack or bag to carry
daily items.
• Review the school dress code.
• Buy school uniforms and gym clothes, if necessary.
Learn as Much as You Can About the School
• Find out whether the teacher prefers to communicate by phone, email, or written note.
• Know what your child is expected to learn in his/her grade level.
• Familiarize yourself with the information on the school website.
• Note the phone numbers for checking school closures or reporting absences.
• Find out the procedure for taking your child out of school early.
• Read the school handbook and make. sure your child understands the rules.
• Review the school’s Federal
Report Card.
Get Involved
• Mark school events on the
family calendar.
• Attend the back-to-school program.
• Schedule and attend parent-teacher conferences.
• Introduce yourself to the leaders of the parent-teacher group.
Plan Healthy Meals
• Make sure you have healthy snacks on hand for breakfast and after-school snacks.
• Find out how much school breakfasts and lunches cost.
• Snacks- Are they available on campus and/or can your kids bring them from home?
• Ask where to obtain weekly school lunch menus.
• Alert school staff if your child has a severe food allergy.
Arrange Transportation
• Practice getting to school with your child.
• ON FOOT: Walk the route together, introduce yourself to the crossing guards (once school begins) and review pedestrian safety guidelines.
• BUS: Make sure he/she knows where and when to be picked up before and after school.
• BICYCLE: Review road safety and make sure they wear their helmets.
• Arrange a carpool if necessary and introduce your child to the other adults and children.
• Compile contact information of parents who can pick up your child in an emergency.
Make After-School Plans
• Arrange child care or after-school activities.
• Don’t over do it! Choose extracurricular activities carefully to avoid overscheduling.
• Make sure your child knows where to go after school each day.
Help Your Child
Prepare for School
• Arrange for your child to play with others in his/her age group before classes start.
• Make sure your child knows where to go after school each day.
• This one is important but often overlooked. Discuss your child’s feelings about starting school and talk over any concerns.
• Talk with your child about his daily school schedule.
• Talk about peer pressure with your child.
• Help your child memorize your home address and home and work phone numbers.
• Tour the school with your kid(s) so they she can find her classrooms, the restrooms and the cafeteria.
• Schedule a time for you and your child to meet his new teachers.
Lay the Ground Rules
• Establish a firm bedtime before school starts.
• Plan and arrange for a suitable spot in the house to do homework.
• Create a plan for balancing homework and play time.
• Set rules for the time spent on TV, video games, and computer use for non-school projects. _