A waiter walks up to a group of Jewish women and asks…
“Is anything all right?”
In my mind, humor is just as integral to Jewish culture as food. I think it was Jerry Seinfeld who summed it up best when asked about being Jewish — he said, “I’m in it for the food and the jokes.” Growing up, I remember that my dad’s boxed set of “The 2000 Year Old Man,” starring Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks, sat up on the mantle like a shrine to the comedy gods (both of whom are Jewish). Needless to say, I love comedy. So when asked to check out a comedy spot called The Kibitz Room Comedy Show in the back room at Canter’s Deli in L.A., it was a no-brainer. Comics and pastrami… SOLD!
I knew that I was in the right place when I was ushered to the dimly lit room way in the back packed with a hip, young crowd. I felt like I was in the mafia, and you had to know someone who knew someone to find out about this spot. The intimate setting was the perfect place to watch headliner Bill Burr work out brand new material (cocktail napkin of jokes in hand). One comedian even used a comment a waitress said to add to one of her jokes. We live in this new comedy era where sold-out shows in arenas holding upwards of 10-12,000 people is normal. I was starting to get a little nostalgic for the days when I went downstairs to the basement of the Comedy Cellar in New York City — where comedians would just stand with a mic and a brick wall behind them. This is how comedy should be.
And this is how it is at the Kibitz Room Comedy Show, founded by Jacklyn and Ester Steinberg. The sisters are quickly becoming leaders in L.A.’s comedy scene. Together they have produced such shows as Your Perfect Housewife in NYC and the Kibitz Room Comedy Show in LA. They also create unique comedy events around town to promote new products and launch new works such as the Lovvvit comedy shows. Events like the Kibitz Room Comedy show have become a sensation, attracting an elite audience and following because of the Steinbergs’ ability to provide a steady stream of some of the best and brightest comedic talents, including Bill Burr, Ron Funches, Natasha Leggero and Todd Glass.
The atmosphere at the monthly Kibitz Room Comedy Show is perfect for all you displaced East Coasters and those like myself longing for NYC’s Lower East Side, like myself. These Steinberg girls sure know how to put together a solid lineup, often getting famous pals to do a spot and showcasing some of the city’s most talented unknowns. Be sure to join them in the Kibitz room on the last Monday of every month: go to the back room, grab a cocktail, sit back and enjoy the show.
Check out their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KibitzRoomComedy or visit them at 419 N Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles, CA in Beverly Grove. Α
Tanya Schwied graduated from New York University, studied abroad in Israel, and currently works for the CEO and President of Jewish Federation & Family Services.