HomeApril 2021Fresh Orange Jews

Fresh Orange Jews

According to the Jewish calendar, we are in the month of Adar and when Adar enters, joy increases! Why is Adar the month of happiness? There are so many joyous dates on the calendar and we kicked the month off with Purim! To celebrate this time of joy, NextGen partnered in February with Rabbi Sarah Tasman, founder of The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity, for “Joyful Jewish You,” a brunch and learn session incorporating Jewish mindfulness and spirituality.  A dozen adults in their 20s and 30s gathered on Zoom with Rabbi Tasman, for guided meditation, a creative activity and intention setting. Participants were able to get to know each other over breakfast, coffee and tea while learning how we can make a little more room for joy in our lives. They left the event knowing how to cultivate more joy personally and professionally. These days, we can all welcome a little more joy!
    NextGen is the young adult department of Jewish Federation of Orange County. For more information about NextGen, contact us at NextGen@JFFS.org or visit JewishOC.org/NextGen; support JFOC through NextGen at JewishOC.org/Donate


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