HomeDecember 2013Inspiring the Next Civic Generation

Inspiring the Next Civic Generation

Know a teen with a passion for creating change? The Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards is seeking nominations of Jewish teens who are actively engaged in social action. Up to 10 teens from across the country will be selected to receive $36,000 each for their exceptional leadership in projects that embody the value of tikkun olam, or “repairing the world.”

Community members can nominate young leaders now for the 2014 Diller Teen Tikkun OlamAwards through a simple online form <http://www.dillerteenawards.org/nominations-applications/nominate-now> . Since 2007, this annual program of the Helen Diller Family Foundation has recognized 40 Jewish teens with nearly $1.5 million to further their projects and education. To nominate a teen or learn more about the program, visit www.DillerTeenAwards.org <http://www.dillerteenawards.org/> . All Jewish teen volunteers who are 13 to 19 years old at the time of nomination are eligible. For questions, contact dillerteenawards@sfjcf.org or (415) 512-6432. Deadline for nominations is January 5, 2014.


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