September 2019
High Holy Day Happenings
The High Holy Days begin on Sunday, September 29 with Erev Rosh Hashanah. At press time information for High Holy Day services was available for some Orange County synagogues. We will update the listings before the end of September to include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah services. Meanwhile, here are other events for the month of September, including S’lichot services to get people in the mood for the High Holy Days. Several other programs are taking place in September too.
Sunday, September 8
5 pm
Norman P. Murray Center Mission Viejo
Bashert Hadassah’s Major Event Fundraiser Benefiting 360 Degrees of Healing
Dinner catered by Tutto Fresco Trattoria
Entertainment by singer-actor-dancer-storyteller Tom Horvath
$54 per person
September 8-10, 2019
CSP 2019 September Mini-Series
The Globalization of Israeli Culture
Dr. Shayna Weiss
$36 per person for the 2-part series, $18 per person for each individual event
(Free to CSP 5780 Members with reservations by September 6, 2019)
- Black is the New Black:
Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Israel, and the Globalization of Television
Sunday evening September 8, 7:15 pm
Las Lomas Community Center, 10 Federation Way, Irvine, CA 92603
- Pop Toys and Power Politics: Israel and the Eurovision Song Contest
Monday September 9 Brown Bag Lunch, 12 pm
Las Lomas Community Center, 10 Federation Way, Irvine, CA 92603
Dr. Shayna Weiss was the inaugural Distinguished Visiting Scholar in Israel Studies at the United States Naval Academy. She is completing a book on gender segregation in the Israeli public sphere.
Contact the Orange County Jewish Community Scholar Program at (949) 682-4040 or
Sunday September 15
3 pm
18th Annual CSP Pre-High Holiday Event
Featuring: Dr. Joel Gereboff
For Whom Do We Blow the Shofar?
Las Lomas Community Center, 10 Federation Way, Irvine, CA 92603
$10.00 per person (if registered prior to September 12, 2019)
FREE for CSP 5779 Members
$18.00 at the door
Dr. Joel Gereboff is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Arizona State University. He has served as department chair and faculty head of Religious Studies and was the cofounder of Jewish Studies.
For more information about CSP, please call us at 949.682.4040 or visit us at
Tuesday, September 24
6:30 pm
Lido Village, Newport Beach
Hadassah Atid Group
Taco and Trivia Night
RSVP: 5031 Duncannon Ave., Westminster, CA 92683
High Holy Days
Congregation B’nai Israel
Saturday, September 21
A conversation with Mohammed Al Samawi
8 pm Ma’ariv, Program and Dessert
10 pm Hal’lu Selihot with Amy Robinson Katz in FLC
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah
8 pm Main Sanctuary Service with Hal Hurwitz
Monday, September 30
Rosh Hashanah Day 1
8 am Main Sanctuary Service with Hal Hurwitz
9 am Family Service with Carl Cedar in FLC
10:30 am Jr. Congregation for Grades K-5 with Carl Cedar in FLC
11:45 am Musaf
5:15 pm Tashlich Service at Tustin Ranch Golf Course
6:30 pm Mincha/Ma’ariv in sanctuary
Tuesday, October 1
Rosh Hashanah Day 2
8 am Main Sanctuary Service with Hal Hurwitz
10:30 am Jr. Congregation for Grades K-5 with Carl Cedar in FLC
Wednesday, October 2
Fast of Gedaliah
7:30 am Bet Midrash Service
Tuesday, October 8
Erev Yom Kippur
6:15 pm Kol Nidre Main Sanctuary Service led by Amy Robinson Katz
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
8 am Main Sanctuary Service with Hal Hurwitz and Amy Robinson Katz
9 am Family Service with Carl Cedar in FLC
10:30 am Jr. Congregation for Grades K-5 with Carl Cedar in FLC
4:15 pm Mincha in sanctuary
5:45 pm Ne’ilah Havdalah (Ma’ariv)
Congregation B’nai Israel
2111 Bryan Avenue, Tustin, CA 92782
(714) 730-9693
Jewish Collaborative of Orange County
Traditional and Alternative Choices for Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah
6 pm Service
7:30 pm Dinner by Reservation
Monday, September 30
Rosh Hashanah Day 1
9 am Sanctuary Service
9 am Morning Meditation in the Fireside Room
10:15 am Family Services with Scott Spitzer and Rabbi Noam Raucher
11:30 am Teen Conversation with Rabbi Noam Raucher
Kiddush, Motzi and Apples & Honey following services
2:30 pm Wonders of Creation Walk with Rabbi Peter Levi at Barbara’s Lake in Laguna Canyon
Tuesday, October 1
Rosh Hashanah Day 2
9 am Sanctuary Service
11:30 am Text Study with Rabbi Noam Raucher
1 pm Community Rosh Hashanah Luncheon (no RSVP required)
10 am Waters of Renewal, hike in Laguna Canyon with Rabbi Peter Levi
1 pm Community Lunch at St. Mark Presbyterian
Tuesday, October 8
Erev Yom Kippur
6 pm Kol Nidre
7 pm Teen & Young Adult Conversation with Rabbi Noam Raucher
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
9 am Sanctuary Service
11:30 am Yizkor
9 am Morning Meditation in the Fireside Room
10:15 am Family Services with Scott Spitzer and Rabbi Noam Raucher
12:30 pm Text Study with Rabbi Noam Raucher
2:30 pm Learn with Lisa Armony – How the American Jewish Community will be impacted by recent Israeli elections
3:30 pm Panel Discussion: ‘Is This the Fast I Desire?” Moderated by Rabbi Jill Zimmerman and Rabbi Peter Levi
4:45 pm Minhah
6 pm Neila
7:15 pm Shofar
Community Break-the-Fast with RSVP to
All services, programs, and meals held at:
St. Mark Presbyterian Church
2200 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Mailing address:
2913 El Camino Real
Tustin, California 92782
Contact (949) 402.8004 or
Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Saturday, September 21
9 pm Dessert Reception
9:30 pm S’lichot Service
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah
5:30 pm Early Service
8:15 pm Late Service
Monday, September 30
Rosh Hashanah
8:30 am Family Service
11 am Morning Service
11 am Children’s Workshops
(Grades K-5)
4 pm Tashlich at Corona del Mar State Beach
Tuesday, October 8
Kol Nidre
5:30 pm Early Service
8:15 pm Late Service
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
8:30 am Family Service
11 am Morning Service
11 am Children’s Workshops
(Grades K-5)
2 pm Study Session
2:45 pm Ask the Rabbi Session
4 pm Afternoon Yizkor & Ne’ilah Services
Shir Ha-Ma’a lot
3652 Michelson Dr.
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 857-2226
Temple Beth El
Saturday, September 21
8 pm Dessert Reception
8:30 pm Havdalah and Service
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Conservative (Chapel)
7:30 pm Service
Reform (Sanctuary)
7:30 pm Service
Monday, September 30
Rosh Hashanah
Conservative (Chapel)
8 am Shacharit
Reform (Sanctuary)
10 am Morning Service
Children’s Services
9 am Tot Service
9:45 am K-5 Service
Tuesday, October 1
Rosh Hashanah, Day Two
Conservative (Chapel)
8 am Shacharit
Sunday, October 6
9 am Tashlich (Dan Point Pier)
Tuesday, October 8
Erev Yom Kippur
Conservative (Chapel)
6:15 Mincha
6:30 pm Kol Nidre
Reform (Sanctuary)
7:30 pm Kol Nidre
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
Conservative (Chapel)
8:30 am Shacharit
1:30 pm Yizkor
2 pm Teaching: The Book of Jonah
4 pm Avodah Meditation
4:30 pm Mincha
5:30 pm Neilah
6:55 pm Havdalah & Break the Fast
Reform (Sanctuary)
10 am Morning Service
4 pm Afternoon Service, Neilah & Yizkor
6:30 pm Havdalah & Break the Fast
Temple Beth El
2A Liberty
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
(949) 362-3999
Temple Beth Emet
Saturday September 21
S’lichot and Chapel Dedication
6:30 Supper (RSVP Required)
7:30 Services & Havdalah
8 pm Torah processional to the Chapel
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh HaShanah Dinner – 6 pm. (RSVP Required)
Erev Rosh HaShanah Evening Service – 7:30 pm
Monday, September 30
First Day Rosh HaShanah Morning Service
Preliminary & Shacharit – 8:30 am
Sermon,Torah & Shofar 10 am
Tashlich follows services 1:15 pm
Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:30 pm
Tuesday, October 1
Second Day Rosh HaShanah
Preliminary & Shacharit – 8:30 am
Sermon, Torah & Shofar – 10 am
Service Concludes 1:15 pm
Saturday, October 5
Shabbat Shuva
Services 9 am
Sunday, October 6
Cemetery Service
Harbor Lawn Mt. Olive, Costa Mesa 11 am
Tuesday October 8
Erev Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre 7 pm
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
Preliminary & Shacharit 9 am
Torah Service 10:15 am
Sermon and Yizkor 11:15 am
Mincha Service 3:45 pm
Ne’ilah 5:15 pm
Shofar Sounding after 7:03 pm
Break the Fast Meal in MPR 7:15 pm
Sunday October 13
Erev Sukkot Evening Service 6:30 pm
Monday, October 14
First Day of Sukkot Morning Service 9 am
Evening Service 7 pm
Tuesday, October 15
Second Day of Sukkot Morning Service 9 am
Saturday October 19
Sukkot Shabbat: Lunch in the Sukkah following Shabbat Services
Monday, October 21
Shemini Atzeret
Morning Service 9 am
Yizkor Memorial Service 11 am
Simchat Torah Celebration and service 7 pm
Tuesday, October 22
Simchat Torah Morning Service 9 am
Temple Beth Emet
1770 W. Cerritos Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 772-4720
Temple Beth Sholom
Saturday, September 21
6 pm Dinner (Reservations Required)
7 pm Film and Discussion, S’lichot Service to follow
TBS Social Hall & Sanctuary
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah
7 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
Monday, September 30
Rosh Hashanah
10 am Rosh Hashanah Main Service. Apples and Honey
3:30 pm Rosh Hashanah Children’s Service
Sanctuary and Outdoor Campus
Tuesday, October 1
Rosh Hashanah (Second Day)
10:30 am Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service, Luncheon to follow (Reservations Required)
TBS Sanctuary and Social Hall
Tuesday, October 8
Erev Yom Kippur
7 pm Kol Nidre Service
TBS Sanctuary
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
10 am Main Service
1:30 pm Discussion Groups follow morning service
1:30 pm Children’s Service
3:30 pm Afternoon Yizkor/Neilah Service
Sisterhood Break-the-Fast Following Neilah
TBS Sanctuary, Chapel, Classrooms, Outdoor Campus
Temple Beth Sholom of Orange County
2625 N. Tustin Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 628-4600
University Synagogue
Saturday, September 21
S’lichot Services
7 pm Oneg Social
7:45 pm Havdalah Service
8 pm The Jewish Women’s Theatre of Los Angeles: “Guilty Parties,” a thought-provoking and humorous look at personal guilt and the situations that induce them
9:15 pm S’lichot Services, led by Rabbi Rachlis and Cantor Braier
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah
8 pm Service
Monday, September 30
Rosh Hahshanah First Day
9 am Family Service
10 am Morning Service
Tuesday, October 1
Rosh Hashanah Second Day
10 am Morning Service
Friday, October 4
7 pm Shabbat Shuva – meditative services in the round
Tuesday, October 8
Erev Yom Kippur
8 pm Kol Nidre Service
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
9 am Family Service
10 am Morning and Musaf Service
2 pm Special Guest: Award-winning British Jewish songwriter and storyteller, Daniel Cainer
3 pm Discussion groups
4:30 pm Afternoon Services (Yizkor and Neilah)
6:30 pm Break-the-Fast
University Synagogue
3400 Michelson Dr.
Irvine, CA 92612 United States
(949) 553-3535
Young Israel of Orange County
Sunday, September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah
6:21 pm Light Candles
6:30 pm Mincha Afternoon Prayers
6:45 pm Maariv Evening Prayers
7:05 pm Rabbi Fischer’s Sermon (First Night Only)
7:30 pm Conclusion of Services
Monday, September 30
Rosh Hashanah, Day 1
8 am Shacharit Morning Prayers
8:27 am HaMelekh
9:40 am Torah Reading: 1st Aliyah
10 am Youth Program
10:15 am Intermission – Kiddush
10:40 am Rabbi Fischer’s Sermon, followed by Shofar Sounding
11:30 am Musaf with Chazan Erblich Chanting Hineni He’ani Mi’ma’as
1:25 pm Conclusion of Services
6:15 pm Mincha Afternoon Prayers
7:20 pm Maariv Evening Prayers
7:27 pm Light Candles (i.e., 7:27 pm or after)
7:55 pm Conclusion of Services
Tuesday, October 1
Rosh Hashanah, Day 2
8 am Shacharit Morning Prayers
8:27 am HaMelekh
9:40 am Torah Reading: 1st Aliyah
10 am Youth Program
10:15 am Intermission – Kiddush
10:40 am Rabbi Fischer’s Sermon, followed by Shofar Sounding
11:30 am Musaf with Chazan Erblich Chanting Hineni He’ani Mi’ma’as
1:25 pm Conclusion of Services
6:15 pm Mincha Afternoon Prayers
7:26 pm Havdalah
Tuesday, October 8
Erev Yom Kippur
3 pm Mincha Early Afternoon Prayers
6:09 pm Light Candles
6:15 pm Kol Nidre Evening Prayers
Wednesday, October 9
Yom Kippur
8 am Shacharit Morning Prayers
10 am Youth Program
10:20 am Torah Reading
11 am Rabbi Fischer’s Sermon, followed by Yizkor
2:20 pm Conclusion of Services
(Mid-Afternoon “Break“)
4:30 pm Mincha Afternoon Prayers
6 pm Ne’ilah Concluding Services
7:15 pm Shofar Sounding / Havdalah / End of Fast