HomeFebruary 2024Jlife Extra February 15, 2024

Jlife Extra February 15, 2024

The Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP) will have an online salon theater event called “I Loved Jew, I Loved Jew Not,” presented by The Braid, formerly known as Jewish Women’s Theatre. This online salon theatre show is a unique blend of emotional narratives and compelling storytelling. It masterfully spotlights the challenging yet crucial stories of antisemitism, juxtaposed with heartwarming tales of allies who stand in solidarity with the Jewish community. The event takes place on Sunday February 18, at 4 PM.

To access it, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqdOmspjMqH9KtlSJ62VprUhhyhxZKL3pt#/registration

“Antisemitism on Campus: A Conversation with UC Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman” will be held on Wednesday, February 21, at 7 PM at the Merage JCC, 1 Federation Way, Irvine. With the massive increase in antisemitism on university campuses in the wake of the terrorist massacre and ensuing war, ADL Regional Director Peter Levi will engage UCI Chancellor Gillman (US Constitution scholar and expert) to discuss the issues: free speech on campus, academic freedom, Title VI, and what can and cannot be done by campus administration. Participants will also hear from Dr. Jeffrey Kopstein, professor of political science and director of the Center for Jewish Studies at the University of California, Irvine, who conducted a campus climate study on antisemitism and anti-Israel attitudes on UC campuses this past fall.

To register, visit https://support.adl.org/event/antisemitism-on-campus-a-conversation-with-uc-irvine-chancellor-howard-gillman/e550281/register/new/select-tickets

”Civic Engagement at SHM – Navigating Truth in our Media Today: addresses questions such as: Why does truth in media matter? Democracy relies on people having a voice in their government; being well-informed is central to that privilege and responsibility. Misinformation and disinformation make our society more divided, leaving us cynical and vulnerable. Participants will learn how to: find and vet trusted information and fact-based reporting, understand the context that colors our own views with confirmation bias, and be a responsible consumer of news. Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot presents the program in partnership with its Chai School program On Tuesday, February 27 at 7 PM in person or on Zoom.

To register, visit https://www.shmtemple.org/form/2024-2-27-civic-engagement-series.html

Temple Bat Yahm will hold Jewish Movie Night on Sunday, February 25, at 4 PM with a light nosh and a movie, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis. Based on the historical novel The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (Italian: Il giardino dei Finzi Contini) is a 1970 historical drama film directed by Vittorio De Sica. The screenplay by Ugo Pirro and Vittorio Bonicelli adapts Italian Jewish author Giorgio Bassani’s 1962 semi-autobiographical novel of the same name, about the lives of an upper-class Jewish family in Ferrara during the Fascist era. Admission is $2.

To register, visit https://www.tby.org/form/jmn-The%20Garden%20of%20the%20Finzi-Continis


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