JStage presents the Meredith Willson musical, The Music Man! Performances will take place in the Myers Theatre at the Merage JCC in Irvine (1 Federation Way, Irvine, CA) from October 19 to 29. In 1957, the show became a hit on Broadway, winning five Tony Awards, including Best Musical, and running for 1,375 performances. The show’s success led to Broadway and West End revivals, a popular 1962 film adaptation and a 2003 television adaptation.
Tickets are $18 in advance and $20 at the door. For additional venue and purchase information, please visit https://search.seatyourself.biz/webstore/accounts/jstage/buy-tix
The Jewish Collaborative offers a Hevra Kadisha Shabbaton and Training from Friday, October 27, to Sunday, October 29, at various venues. Erev Shabbat service with dinner and a speaker will be at Temple Beth Emet, 1770 W. Cerritos Ave., Anaheim. The topic is “Kavod v’Nichum: Showing Up for One Another.” Shabbat morning service, lunch and text study will be at Temple Beth El of South OC, 2A Liberty, Aliso Viejo. The topic is “Na’aseh V’Nishma: A Communal Response to End of Life.” The Havdalah Program: “Death over Dessert” with Chaplain Fran Chalin will be at a private home. Finally, “Building Sacred Community: A Taharah and Shmirah Training for our Hevra” will take place at Harbor Lawn Cemetery, 625 Gisler Avenue, Costa Mesa.
For more information, visit https://www.jewishcollaborativeoc.org/hevra-kadisha#
The Community Scholar Program will present “Under the Wings of the Sultan: The Rise of Jewish Communities in the Ottoman Empire” on Sunday, October 29, at 10 AM. The “Golden Age” of Jewish life in Spain came to a devastating end in 1492. In the wake of the infamous expulsion decree of that year, Jews from Spain dispersed far and wide with the largest number ultimately settling in the lands of the Ottoman Empire. This lecture traces the trans-Mediterranean journey of the exiled Spanish Jews to the sultan’s realm and the cultural and political dynamics that shaped the communities they created and developed over the subsequent centuries. Dr. Devin E. Naar is the Isaac Alhadeff Professor in Sephardic Studies, Associate Professor of History, and faculty at the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies in the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington.
To join, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqde6hrzIvGNU4HXEnXe3tSyP639Q86KKY#/registration
American Friends of Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (AFIPO), in partnership with the Madaline and Stephen Gordon / Gordon Foundation and Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’a lot, will present a community event featuring the Orange County debut of pianist Tom Borrow, one of Israel’s most talented young musicians at Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’a lot, 3652 Michelson Dr., Irvine, 92612; (949) 857-2226, on Monday, October 30, from 6 to 9 PM. Cost is $50 to 150. Tom Borrow, one of Israel’s most talented young musicians, rose to attention in 2019 after stepping in at the last-minute to replace a guest pianist with the Israel Philharmonic. Tom has been invited to perform with major orchestras around the world, including the Cleveland Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony, Atlanta Symphony, London Philharmonic and others.
For more information, contact Rivka Boxer at RBoxer@afipo.org