I don’t know if everyone feels the way I do, but, to me, there is something about someone just being Jewish that makes me feel a connection. It’s almost as if all Jews are our mispacha, our kin. If choosing between two people offering services or two businesses, all other things being equal, I would naturally gravitate toward the Jewish one. I want to support “our people.”
When I hear about one of our fellow OC Jewish mispacha opening a business, I jump at the chance to support the person. The way a lot of us want to support locally owned business and locally grown produce, I want to support local Jews. This time I didn’t have to jump very far, because I’ve found a new Jewish business to support that offers services that we were about to start researching and using anyway.
Jeremy Rose, a member of Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot, who used to own a Golden Spoon franchise (which I had NO trouble supporting!), has opened a new business that is a franchise of a national company called College Nannies and Tutors. The array of services offered is so comprehensive and complete that I am excited about it and think that most of us will be as well.
On the tutoring side of the business, this company provides tutors who are current college students, recent graduates or teachers to offer one-on-one customized tutoring. Although we have not ever used a private tutor or gone to any of the “homework help” type of centers, as our children are now in higher level classes, I’m definitely seeing where we might need some extra support, especially in math. Sadly, Harrison with his Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry class this year, has surpassed my math capabilities, and, while Marlon can still help him, he isn’t always available. Plus, I’ve noticed that while younger kids are perfectly happy to receive help from parents, teenagers sometimes need someone else. One of the features of this company that I love is it matches your student up with a good “role model match” and then develops a customized learning plan. I know my kids and know the type of person with whom they best relate, as I’m sure you do, and I find it attractive that this company realizes that some students may relate better to the qualified tutor who plays sports in college than the one who is in the Chess Club, and vice versa.
In addition to tutoring services in the basic subjects of math, science, reading and writing and study skills (at all levels, from Pre K-12th grade), what I am most excited about, and what we can’t wait to sign up for, is the college test prep services. We are now in the market for this, and there is a wide variety of options. We do not want to pay $2,000+ for a group course with one of the elite test preparation companies (although I’m not criticizing those who do), and the idea of customized one-on-one tutoring for the SAT and ACT, targeting just the areas where our kids need improvement, is very attractive.
Although we are past the nanny and babysitting stage of life with three teenagers, I really wish College Nannies was around when our kids were younger! This aspect of the company provides nanny service on a regular basis or just once in awhile. Even if families have their own babysitters that they use (and I completely understand that less expensive high school babysitters are great for elementary aged kids!), it would be great to have College Nannies as a resource because, guess what? These nannies can drive! They are also background checked and CPR certified. Even with one of our kids now able to drive himself and his siblings, there are still times when we need someone to pick them up or take them somewhere, plus I’m going to explore the possibilities of overnight babysitting if we want to… gasp… go away without the kids!
I hope this is helpful to anyone who wishes to join me in exploring this business further. For more information, visit collegenannies.com/tustinca and collegetutors.com or call Jeremy Rose at (949) 933-2965.