HomeNovember 2017OC Beth Jacob

OC Beth Jacob

2_Sticky_Feature_OC_Beth_Jacob_1117THE JEWISH WOMEN’S Renaissance Project (JWRP) seeks to inspire women to transform themselves, their families, their communities, and the world.  The JWRP MOMentum trip is an 8-day tour of Israel.  It is, however, more than a tour of Israel; it is an opportunity to deeply self explore. Thousands of women from 21 different countries have already experienced this life-changing trip, paying primarily only their own airfare, and returning home with the best gift of all—a deep, eternal connection to Israel, a profound kinship with each other, and a heart filled with Jewish values.

OC Beth Jacob – JWRP works in partnership with Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project recruiting and sponsoring local OC Jewish women participants for the mission to Israel and continuing the journey through evolving follow-up Jewish learning and social programming. This keeps the inspiration going and helps to create bonds that extend not only to communities, but globally. Thousands of women and hundreds of men worldwide have already experienced the spirit-building power of MOMentum and it is our goal to make this opportunity available to more OC families. So far, Rebbetzin Natalie Ciner has brought 28 OC Jewish women to Israel. Debra Kushon shared her recent experience, “I love JWRP!  This trip to Israel changed the game for me. I feel more connected to Judaism, Israel and my OC Jewish community.  After the trip, I was able to see my life with a whole new wonderful perspective and it sparked an interest in Torah and Jewish education for my kids.  The highlight of the trip was receiving my own Siddur on a rooftop overlooking the Kotel and knowing I was bringing back incredible wisdom to my family.  This was a once in a lifetime experience and I’m so grateful I was able to take this trip.” Rachel Lederman shared, “Stepping foot in Israel for the first time, going to the Western wall to pray with my new Jewish sisters was an experience I will never forget.  I came back from Israel renewed with a sense that we, as parents, need to be role models for the Jewish traditions we want to instill in our kids. We recently hosted Shabbat and while my almost 13-year-old and his friends held the Kiddush cup high, I prayed that he would do this with his family. His bar mitzvah is in October and we are all going to Israel for him to read Torah at the Wall. It will be an amazing experience as my kids and husband step foot in Israel for the first time.  For me, it will be wonderful and memories of JWRP will come rushing back. Nothing will be like the first time with my Jewish sisters.”

When the JWRP participants return to Orange County, their stories are practically indescribable.  Inspiration overflows. Please help support this important work.  Your generosity and partnership (along with Jewish Federation & Family Services OC and Jewish Community Foundation OC grants) will have an important impact on our local community and beyond, as this international movement is inspiring thousands throughout the world! To make a tax-deductible donation to support this remarkable program, please contact the Beth Jacob office at (949) 786-5230 and mention JWRP earmark.

The next OC Beth Jacob Irvine – JWRP trip is April 30, 2018. Applications should be available in November 2017. Anyone interested in sponsoring and/or applying, please contact Nadine Dubery at Nadinelcsw@gmail.com or (949) 232-5489, Stephanie Gavshon at gavshons@gmail.com or (925) 286-3298, or Rebbetzin Natalie Ciner at nciner613@gmail.com or (845) 642-0417. Also like our Facebook page, OC Beth Jacob Irvine – JWRP for updates.

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