HomeOctober 2012Party with a Purpose

Party with a Purpose

How do we decide what events to attend?  To whom do we give what little excess money we have?  Jewish young professionals understand the stresses of unemployment, bills, the recession and other complex nuances that guide our decision-making when attending social events.  When it comes time to make decisions about our time and money, we look for meaning and the level of enjoyment.
Keeping the young Jewish professional’s perspective in mind, this summer a group of individuals, led by Ezina LeBlanc Hoff, from Young Leadership Division (YLD), decided it was time to put a modern spin on philanthropy in Orange County.  For months, this group has been brainstorming and developing an event that has never been done in our community.
The event is a celebration of vibrant Jewish life in Orange County, but this particular event is not carefree.  Jews in their 20s to 40s, married, single and everything in between, are expected to partake in the festivities.  All of the money raised will help Jewish Federation & Family Services of Orange County achieve its goals of community outreach and aid.  The event, now coined “Ignite,” is a philanthro-party: a scorching hot event created out of belief in our community and a desire to contribute to it.
YLD’s mantra, “We Believe,” urges the young professional community to recognize that we believe in helping others.  Contrary to opinions that young professionals are disinterested in Jewish community, we believe in creating opportunities for positive change.  This philanthro-party provides an event for meaningful giving that will enhance the lives of those around us.
On Saturday, November 17, more than 250 young Jewish professionals will show up in cocktail attire and be ready for an entertaining evening.  Ignite is launching its debut at Celebrations in Costa Mesa.  This venue is formally a nightclub; it is a first class gorgeous and modern space.  In addition to the ambiance, there will be gift bags from local sponsors, a silent auction, a live auction, a hosted bar, hors d’oeuvres and live entertainment from the Sklar Brothers and the Moshav Band.
Ignite’s tickets are on sale for $50 in advance and $75 at the door.  If you would like to purchase a table for ten people, the cost is $500 and includes a gift of two bottles of champagne.
YLD is transforming the way we know philanthropy and the way we engage our community.  This event will spark awareness of the needs of our local Jewish community with a fresh and contemporary flair.  Come out and join these vivacious individuals who find joy in partying for a cause.

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