Learning can be really fun when you do it with colorful images and wonderful stories about the holidays. There are heroes for your children to discover and rich traditions to pass along. One way to do just that is to snuggle in for some Hanukkah story time. Check out some of these great tools to help you create wonderful family traditions of your own.
Books, Books, Books
A Hanukkah Treasury
A collection of more than two dozen poems, stories, songs, Jewish history, and recipes. Edited and written in part by Eric Kimmel. For children of all ages
By the Hanukkah Light
by Sheldon Oberman
Eight Tales for
Eight Nights
Stories for Chanukah by Peninnah Schram and Steven M. Rosman
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins
by Eric A. Kimmel
How I Saved Hanukkah
A chapter book for 7- to 10-year-olds by Amy Goldman Koss
Judah who Always
Said “No!
by Harriet K. Feder
Latkes, Latkes,
Good to Eat
by Naomi Howland
Light The Lights! A Story About Celebrating Hanukkah And Christmas
by Margaret Moorman
The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes
A picture book for 4- to 8-year-olds by Linda Glaser
Runaway Dreidel!
by Leslea Newman
The Jar of Fools:
Eight Hanukkah
Stories From Chelm
For children and adults
by Eric A. Kimmel
The Magic Dreidels:
A Hanukkah Story
by Eric A. Kimmel
The Power of Light
by Isaac Bashevis Singer
The Story of Hanukkah
by Amy Ehrlich
The Trees of the Dancing Goats
by Patricia Polacco
When Mindy Saved Hanukkah
by Eric Kimmel
These books may be found at your local public or school library — also at Amazon.com. ✿
Meet “Mac” the holiday hero.
“The Maccabee on the Mantel” is an illustrated book that tells (and teaches) the story of Hanukkah. It is written by Abra Liberman Garrett as a result of her wanting to share this tradition with her own children. In a season where “Rudolphs” and “Frostys” dominate the scene, it can be hard to compete for your kids’ attention with only a spinning dreidel to work with. However, now we have a cute holiday hero to call our own. Maccabee, or “Mac” for short, is the main character of the story and comes in the form of a plush toy (included with the book). Known as Jewish Elf on the Shelf, “Mac” is a fun and educational way to make this year’s Hanukkah rock!
For more information please visit: www.maccabeeonthemantel.com