HomeNovember 2010Thirty Years on a Merry-go-Round

Thirty Years on a Merry-go-Round

Goffin Public Relations (GPR) (www.JudithGoffin.com) of Yorba Linda celebrated thirty years in business on October 1.  The communication management company has provided a full-range of public relations, publicity, marketing, promotions and advertising services to a multitude of regional and national clients since 1980. GPR specializes in arts and entertainment, sports events, healthcare, medical marketing and small to medium sized companies. understands.

According to owner Judy Goffin, “We have had the opportunity to educate and inform people to make good healthcare and medical decisions. We have provided opportunities to sample chocolate at chocolate shows reaching tens of thousands of people.  We have brought together Cat Fancy people from all over the world for major cat shows.  One show in Anaheim brought more then 20,000 people to view and become educated pet owners.  Imagine that, twenty-thousand people paid $20 per ticket!”

While working with United Way of Orange County, GPR promoted the West Coast’s largest Sandcastle event and, according to law enforcement agencies, GPR had over 250,000 men, women, and children tour 50 sandcastles depicting world architecture, while celebrating the US Centennial and United Way’s birthday. The agency has provided PR for over 600 nonprofit organizations and foundations, branding their identity, informing a wide audience, inspiring allegiance, and assisting in raising millions of dollars to carry out their mission, goals, objectives, and services.

Goffin said, “We really take pride in the work we do.  We also do some pro bono, for healthcare and hospital groups including American Heart, American Cancer, American Diabetes, American Lung, National Council of Alcoholism, MADD, Council on Aging, MDA (working with Jerry Lewis ), MSAA, CFF, organizations serving the Hearing and Visually Impaired, Olive Crest Treatment Centers, CHOC, and Orangewood.

As part of her pro bono work,  Goffin sat on the Board of Directors for Orange County Advertising Federation (OCADClub) serving as public service chairperson for 10 years.  She headed up over 25 projects that the club hosted for a variety of nonprofit organizations. Members used to say, “Here comes Judy.  What is she going to want me to do for free?”  Actually, the agencies had a grand time doing these projects and received outstanding recognition for their efforts.  Goffin also has done pro bono work for Jewish Federation Orange County (now Jewish Federation & Family Services) and the Anti Defamation League (ADL).

She said, “I did the big fundraisers for ADL with Carl Reiner and Chaim Potok…and, oh yes, I was one of the first women Bat Mitzvahed in the US and come from a line of Who’s Who in Jewish History.”

GPR has provided promotion services for many sporting events including 5 & 10ks, International Bicycling events, regional triathlons and even a 1984 Olympics race. Goffin worked with the Sierra Club on an environmental issue to save the California Wetlands. This was done in partnership with many celebrities and legislators to educate and inform children and adults on how they could help.

In 2000, Goffin wrote her first book, Getting Your Name in Lights, a public relations and marketing workbook for nonprofit groups.  In 2004 she published her first book of poetry, Grieving—A Mother’s Point of View, in memory of her son, Steven, who died at age 41 from complications related to diabetes. Her second book of poetry, The Path of Discovery, was released in 2007, and her latest book, Embracing Love (which is in the Library of Congress), was introduced in 2009. All of her poetry books are in the Yorba Linda Public Library. Her books are published under the Holiday Princess Publishing label.

A world traveler, Goffin’s botanical photography of fruit, vegetables and flowers, shot on location, is in many private collections. Her recent introduction of botanical note cards is available online and in Orange County museum gift shops. Her blog holidayprincesspublishing.com also features her photography.

Proud of the fact that she worked with over one hundred interns (students) from CSUF in the Communication Department, Goffin said, “I feel that that interaction kept me on my toes, and the men and women who worked with me, learned more than just how to use the copy machine or the mail machine.  They got real hands-on experience and it was a win-win situation.  Many went on to successful careers and still keep in touch.”

Goffin currently is on the Board of Directors on the Fullerton College Foundation and a member of the Fullerton Centennial Committee for the 100th birthday of the college in 2013. She is a charter member of the SoCal Army Advisory Council, serving as its PR consultant.

Goffin holds an AA degree from Fullerton College, a BA in Communications, with an emphasis in Radio/TV Journalism from CSUF, and a Certificate in Aging and Administration from USC. She has hosted a radio show, produced several television programs and worked in the field of aging for many years. She received many honors and awards from governors, senators, and the community.

When asked if she would do things any differently, she said, “Probably not. I tell everyone, I have managed to always pay the electric bill.  Being self-employed is a challenge at best.” She continued, “I love the idea that I can work any time I want and if I choose, I can dress in warm-ups or shorts.

“In 1980, when I started I had one of the first home-based businesses. I never told anyone.  Nowadays it is common.  I always felt that I was respecting the environment not driving to work every day. And with a low overhead, I could give clients more for their money and they loved that.”

Goffin would also say thank you to all of the people and clients she has worked with these last 30 years. “It was always exciting and even fulfilling. I think it was a good career path for me,” she noted.

When people ask Goffin what she does for a living, the answer is always, “I make things happen.” And, she probably will continue to do so for many more years to come.

For more information, contact Goffin at (714) 528-1258 or goffinpr@aol.com.


  1. Thank You for honoring my 30-years in the business.

    Rabbi Hiam Asa was my spirtual leader for the last 40 years and he worked with me and my late husband to educate our children Thank you to him and Elaine for being supportive all of these years.

    And, it has always been Lloyd and Noriko Weinstein owners of Benjies NY Deli who added much happiness to my life as I worked with them on public relations and marketing; and their graciouness that filled my days–and enjoying great matzoh ball soup and fantastic bread pudding was a good thing too.

    Judy Goffin


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